Hi there! Welcome to Concussion Awareness Now.
We’re glad you’re here. We have a wealth of information for you to explore.
Since you may be hearing about us for the first time, we wanted to introduce ourselves. Concussion Awareness Now brings together nearly twenty organizations that care deeply about brain injury. We’ve created this coalition, and this website, to help people learn more about concussions. Our goal is to make sure that every person who sustains a concussion receives a diagnosis, the best possible care and the resources and information they need.
Our brains are so important to who we are. But we often minimize or ignore head injuries. If someone hurts their head, it’s common for them to “tough it out” or “walk it off.” Our research shows us over half of people who suspect they have a concussion never get it checked. Somehow ignoring the injury or brushing it aside has become the socially acceptable way to respond.
We’re here to change that.
Concussions affect everyone: from older adults to small children, veterans to little league coaches, people who suffer intimate partner violence and everyone in between. No matter who you are, this website is a resource for you. Everything from concussion symptoms to how to seek care is available at your fingertips.
And you can be sure that this information is trustworthy, vetted and anchored in best practices. We’ve drawn on the expertise and advice of our coalition members, who are among the country’s most knowledgeable concussion experts. We represent people who have sustained brain injuries, their caregivers, those who treat brain injury, patient advocates, and the organizations that work directly with the communities who are most vulnerable to concussions.
We identified the gap in people seeking concussion care in early 2022 with the aim of educating as many people as possible about concussions. Spearheaded by the Brain Injury Association of America, and cofounded and sponsored by Abbott, our coalition quickly grew. Organizations were excited about our mission, wanted to be a part of it and cherished the collective strength of working together. We knew that by joining forces we could offer more resources and ultimately help more people.
So have a look around. Spend some time with our resources. We hope you find them informative and helpful.
And remember, a concussion isn’t something to take lightly. Don’t mess with your melon… if you hit it, get it checked.
If you believe that you have sustained a concussion or would like support and resources in your area, contact the National Brain Injury Information Center at 1-800-444-6443.