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On National Concussion Awareness Day, we saw thousands of people taking the #MelonPledge and joining Concussion Awareness Now in our efforts to change the way people think about concussions. In addition to spreading the word, many people shared their stories in the comments of our posts and encouraged others to take the #MelonPledge.

All too often, when people hit their head, they brush it off or try to “tough it out.” We’re trying to change that. Because concussions are an invisible injury, it’s even more important that we keep an eye out for ourselves and each other.

Some of those that took the #MelonPledge were able to directly relate to a time when they or someone they know has had a concussion. Take a look at what some of them had to say:

“So true, nothing to mess around with! I had a concussion after a women ran a stop sign & T-boned me so hard it turned my car into another road. I was surprised at how long the effects lasted. Hope my melon is OK now that I’m a senior citizen!” – Bonnie M.
“Wisdom to get it checked! My friend Ron lost his brother Robbie to a head injury. He’d been playing hockey and hit his head. He didn’t get checked out. He didn’t go home to his wife and kids that night but went to his moms. He said he was sick so she put him to bed – later he was dead. His family is still grieving after all these years. So please get yourself checked out at the ER!!!” – Linda P
“Our head and our brain is the most important parts our body easy to get damage and also to recovery. All depends of the proper care and timely attention.” – Victoria S.
“I myself have had concussion end up in the hospital. My daughter when she was in elementary school hit her head and the school never notified me. She ended up in the hospital from a concussion. Very lucky we got it.” – Joy C.
“Even when you know what to look for, you take precautions, and you get things checked, concussions happen. Please be smart! Please be careful. Your child’s brain is a terrible thing to waste.” – Brooke D.
“Don’t mess around when it comes to your head. #MelonPledge” – Jennifer D.
“I got a concussion 50 years ago while staying with my aunt and was having such a great time staying with her that I didn’t want to tell her or call my mom for fear that that they’d make me go home (my aunt lived in a different state). Oh to be young and stupid! I had blacked out after falling off a swing at a pool club and when I woke up I was nauseas and had a terrible headache. Looking back now as a retired Librarian and Medical Librarian, I realize, of course, I should have been examined but this was back in the Dark Ages before CAT scans and MRIs.” – Alicia P.
“I had a head injury on kitchen tiles couldn’t stand up, called 911 and went to the ER. Initial CT scan was negative but headache got worse I got rechecked and CT showed a subdural hematoma, neurosurgery evacuated it and I’m fine. Don’t ignore head injuries, esp if any confusion or loss of consciousness or worsening headache.” – Don W.

Even though Concussion Awareness Day is over, it’s not too late to take the #MelonPledge! After making a commitment to caring for yourself and others and spreading the word, you can take it a step farther and sign up to become a Concussion Awareness Now Champion. By signing up, you will be the first to know about new resources, tools, and education opportunities.

Learn more on our Join Our Cause page.