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Concussion assessment and care isn’t a solitary activity for healthcare professionals—you might find yourself working as part of a multidisciplinary team or partnering with professionals such as speech-language pathologists, pediatricians, primary care providers, athletic trainers, neurologists, domestic violence advocates, rehabilitation specialists and others to co-create the right care plan for patients.

These resources give insight into collaborating with fellow healthcare providers and other professionals who work with concussion patients to ensure patients are in the best possible hands—and you have the support you need.

Explore NEW Concussion Certificate Program for Healthcare Professionals

In partnership with several of our CAN healthcare partners, this CEU course is a great way to learn more about concussion care while fulfilling your continuing education requirements.

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Collaborating with Other Providers
Domestic violence
The CARE Health Advocacy Intervention Improves Trauma-Informed Practices at Domestic Violence Service Organizations to Address Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Substance Use
  • Julianna Nemeth, PhD, MA
  • Rachel Ramirez, MA, MSW, LISW-S
  • Christina Debowski, OTD, OTR/L
  • Emily Kulow, BA
  • Alice Hinton, PhD
  • Amy Wermert, MPH
  • Cecilia Mengo, PhD, MSW
  • Alexis Malecki, BSPH
  • Allison Glasser, MPH
  • Luke Montgomery, DO, MPH
  • Cathy Alexander, MSSA, LISW-S

The study evaluated the impact that domestic violence (DV) service organizations' (SO) agency-wide adoption of CARE had on improving DVSO trauma-informed care (TIC) practices, overall, and in relation to addressing brain injury and mental health. CARE is an advocacy intervention designed to raise DVSOs' capacity to CONNECT with survivors; ACKNOWLEDGE that head trauma, strangulation, and mental health challenges are common; RESPOND by accommodating needs in services and providing targeted referrals; and EVALUATE effectiveness of response to meet survivors' stated concerns. The study determined that CARE improved TIC practices of DVSOs, overall, and to address brain injury and mental health.
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Collaborating with Other Providers
Speech-language pathology
How Can We Better Address Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults?
By Erin Mattingly

Seniors have a higher risk of death and disability from traumatic brain injury (TBI), but the condition is often under-recognized.  The cognitive communication effects of TBI can sometimes mirror the symptoms of typical aging and may be overlooked. This article provides guidance for speech-language pathologists on assessment and treatment strategies for older adults with TBI.
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Collaborating with Other Providers
Domestic violence
Understanding Domestic Violence as a Cause of TBI
By Fern Gilkerson, M.A.

Domestic violence is a common cause of TBI, but is often overlooked. Brain injury providers are in a unique position to support survivors and improve medical assessment and diagnosis. This article provides best practice strategies and resources for practitioners.
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